

May 24, 2011

because i am such a nerd and i love animals especially weird ones i came across some interesting ones..

so the japanese cardinalfish keep his babies in his mouth for protection until they are big enough to be on their own. (cute right? yea i know) but thenNnNNN if a hot female fishie comes along he doesnt want his babies to you know cramp his style so he EATS THEM!!! im not sure if its alll cardinal fish or just the japanese ones..but im wondering if thats why theyre  close to being an endangered species..or if its bc of humans..

now for the worst mom everrrr would be the she has three babies knowing that she only wants to take care of two. when her first two babies are fine she lets the two babies eat the third baby!!!!!! wahhh what an evilll..TO THE MAX =(( what if the third one was the best one of the batch and was gonna be the way better bird?? hahahhaa jk -__________- 

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