
June 9, 2011 the tempura ice cream from umi's


June 2, 2011

My friend julia toes are really long. My pinky finger is the same length as her index toeeee!!! Hahahahahhaa

June 1, 2011

my friends and i went to the tim burton museum at LACMA. it was soOOO coooool. i was really sad that we couldnt take pictures..but i guess that makes sense :((

at least i left with souvenirs..for dummy..oHh the stain boy mug is really cool when theres cold water/no water its stained, but when you put hot water in it its clears up!!

There was also a bunch of little short cartoons that he made, costumes he designed in movies including edward scissor hands outfit, catwoman (michelle pfeiffer is TIINY), batman mask..etc, tons of artwork, installations, and moreeeeeeee..
one of my favorite section was the black light was amazinggg! lotss of paintings and installations that were all painted with glow in the dark paint..or i guess glow in the black light paint.
heres are pictures i found online...

It was also really cool to see his past high school he did a no liter artwork and the city of burbank ended up using it on their garbage trucks! cool huhhh??!? he also won a bunch of awards in high school

I almost bought a copy of this artwork cus i thought it was really cute! its his version of romeo and the museum there were a couple more artwork explaining the story..

if you are going to la anytime soon i DEFINITELY recommend going! wayyyyy more worth it than harry potter museum/tour.. be sure to buy your tickets before or you might end up like our friend that came but couldnt go cus tickets were sold out..hahaha dennis and jeff -______- and go early the line got CRAZY after we left..we got lucky n went the first day and early..

more stories on california fun sooNn =)))


June 1, 2011

yayyyy mary poppins musical was so gooodd!!! i loveeeddd itt =))) the set was actually a lot cooler than i thought it was going to be. Mary poppins flew out over the crowd..and bert walked up the side of the stage and upside down..he was singing upside down toOO it was really coool. houses moved and opened up..and lots of other magic!! i love magic..hehe and wahh my camera broke so i had to take pictures with my phone which i hate doing -_____________-


May 26, 2011

I ammm sooooo exciteddd to see the second one. Ive been waiting since last summerrr. I loooveeeed the first one I think ive literally seen it at least 20 times. If u didnt like the movie I dont think we can be friends anymore....
Its seriously soooo funnyyy!!!! And cute of course :)))


May 24, 2011

because i am such a nerd and i love animals especially weird ones i came across some interesting ones..

so the japanese cardinalfish keep his babies in his mouth for protection until they are big enough to be on their own. (cute right? yea i know) but thenNnNNN if a hot female fishie comes along he doesnt want his babies to you know cramp his style so he EATS THEM!!! im not sure if its alll cardinal fish or just the japanese ones..but im wondering if thats why theyre  close to being an endangered species..or if its bc of humans..

now for the worst mom everrrr would be the she has three babies knowing that she only wants to take care of two. when her first two babies are fine she lets the two babies eat the third baby!!!!!! wahhh what an evilll..TO THE MAX =(( what if the third one was the best one of the batch and was gonna be the way better bird?? hahahhaa jk -__________- 


May 23, 2011

Pizookieeeeeeee. Love love love ittttt. My saliva gets all worked up when I think about it...:)))

May 19, 2011

theres a group of grandmas sitting behind me at mcd and theyre soooo shes talking about gay men and she says oh i saw a guy holding hands with another guy and it was like theyre FLAUNTING it. i mean they can act how they act but they dont need to do it in public. (calm down grandma theyre just holding will give yourself a heartattack..) n then all the other little grandmas were saying yeahh!!! n then she goes i dont understand why they need to talk like how they talk. i mean theyre just trying to get attention and FLAUNT that they like men. they dont need to do that. girls dont do that right? and theyre trying to be girls arent they? so they shouldnt talk like that cus girls dont! and this other grandma goes welll yesss there are girls that talk like that they call them SLEEZES. n a grandpa (the only grandpa there) goes what do they call them? she goes they call them S-L-E-E-Z-E-S hahahhahahahhahaa

n then theyre talking about twitter..n they go o now the kids have this code on the computer called tweets and chirps and thats how they communicate now! hahahhahaha

o dummies......TO THE MAX

ps having the big mouth that i have i turned around to say something and stand up for the gays but then she  smiled at me and then i realized o its not worth it to get them all worked up...when theyre not gonna change their minds and theyre so old and harmless..probably just a bunch of grandmas gathering to gossip..hehehe.. they were quite entertaining tho.

would you rather..

May 18, 2011

if you could explore the ocean or anywhere on land where would u a nerd and i spend my time looking at stuff on the internet i can't see in real lifeee but lookkK doesnt this make u just wanna go exploreeeeeeeeeee!?!?! wahhh i wanna see all the cool places and animallsssssss

May 15, 2011

Omg I've officially just met the most beast fly everrrrrr. Ok its so big that I can slap it with my hand and not miss. Anywayss we have hit it four times, really hard might I add, n each time it would fall on the floor for like three minutes.. so we thought it was dead but then it would fly back up!!! N now he's just flying around againn. I wonder if I should slap it again..n I wonder how long he will live for...and yes I know I'm sick n weird don't judge. :)

May 3, 2011

isnt this so cool??? so you snorkel/scuba dive into the water to see the sculptures!!! i reallly wanna gooOoOo but i would be kinda scared at the same time...hahaha the artist has one in mexico! so closeeee!! =) travel timeee

May 1, 2011

yayayayay i finally found perfect flatssssssss. ive been looking foreverRRrrr for cute PLASTIC flats. i must admit that ive always hateddddddddddd crocs cus theyre so ugly but my crocs are SO CUTEEEEE and comfyyyy =))))
more black pumps yayYy =))
hehe another pair but different colors =D


April 26, 2011

there was a turtle resting at the beach that we went toOOoo =D

if you look closely theres a monk seal in the background =DD they roped around her so people won't go bother her. ps theres only 1200 of them lefttttt!!!


April 17, 2011

So a friend had said that the movie the cove was pretty good. He said its a documentary about dolphins and I was like okay itll be like every animal documentary I watch. But anywaysss, I watched it last night and it was SO gooddd. In taijii, japan they trap dolphins to sell to aquariums and marine parks around the world, and they also kill them to sell their meat as whale meat. So the documentary is about this guy thats exposing what they do. They trap the dolphins in the cove n stab them to death!!!! Omg when they were killing the dolphins literally the entire cove turned red cus of all the was really scary and sadddd. :((( but its good to be aware about it so u should watch it... 

OMGGG snooki looks sooo skinny and kinda hottt...

April 13, 2011

seeee my theory holds up. when you get famous and rich you get hotter with helppPpp

ohh..nooOO..i think i could pass as an avatar ladyyy

April 7, 2011

I  think if i paint my face blue i could pass as them..hMmmmM..=P

April 6, 2011

why does she need to always be soooooo freaking hottttttttttt..i really like her outfitss toOOoo.. but of course they only look good on herrr


April 5, 2011

i loveeee these shoes..i think i need to get them in every color now...and wear them with all my different colored socks :))))


April 3, 2011

my alien couple =)) 
these are some crochets i funNn =)) it's actually a lot easier than it looks! oOOo ps the little fishies at the top follows your cursor..i thought it was cute 
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