
June 1, 2011

my friends and i went to the tim burton museum at LACMA. it was soOOO coooool. i was really sad that we couldnt take pictures..but i guess that makes sense :((

at least i left with souvenirs..for dummy..oHh the stain boy mug is really cool when theres cold water/no water its stained, but when you put hot water in it its clears up!!

There was also a bunch of little short cartoons that he made, costumes he designed in movies including edward scissor hands outfit, catwoman (michelle pfeiffer is TIINY), batman mask..etc, tons of artwork, installations, and moreeeeeeee..
one of my favorite section was the black light was amazinggg! lotss of paintings and installations that were all painted with glow in the dark paint..or i guess glow in the black light paint.
heres are pictures i found online...

It was also really cool to see his past high school he did a no liter artwork and the city of burbank ended up using it on their garbage trucks! cool huhhh??!? he also won a bunch of awards in high school

I almost bought a copy of this artwork cus i thought it was really cute! its his version of romeo and the museum there were a couple more artwork explaining the story..

if you are going to la anytime soon i DEFINITELY recommend going! wayyyyy more worth it than harry potter museum/tour.. be sure to buy your tickets before or you might end up like our friend that came but couldnt go cus tickets were sold out..hahaha dennis and jeff -______- and go early the line got CRAZY after we left..we got lucky n went the first day and early..

more stories on california fun sooNn =)))


  1. That looks SOOOOO cool! I wanna go!!

  2. WTH, how are you always in CA? This looks awesome though.

  3. Oh I am so jealous that you had a chance to visit Tim Burton exhibition!
    By the way I also got the Stain Boy mug today and I also have one with Toxic Boy :) Those are really great.


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